Sales of 41&change Coffee supports First Presbyterian Youth Group and Vida Joven camp in Nicaragua.

About 41&change Coffee Co.:

In 1988, at the invitation of local Nicaraguans, Jim and Sarah Hornsby began the work of Young Life (Vida Joven in Spanish) in Matagalpa, Nicaragua, by making contacts with youth through English classes and sports. At the same time, they searched for adults who could build Christ-centered relationships with local youth.

By 1989, a group of 15 adults formed the National Adult committee, and in 1999, Fundacion Religiosa de Vida Joven came to life. The ministry grew. In March, 2011, Holman Mendoza became the first Nicaraguan team leader of the ministry.

Truth be told, we "stumbled" upon growing Nicaragua's finest coffee. Back in the late 1990's we purchased a piece of land near Jinotega, Nicaragua, to develop a Vida Joven (Young Life) camp. We found coffee plants growing on the property, so we harvested a little coffee, cupped it, and realized what an extraordinary product our land could produce. Little by little we began to plant more coffee and now have 30 acres under development.